
Will Davis ever learn why he's the most unpopular governor?

May 16, 2003

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be repaid by a limited-term increase in the sales tax -- has much to commend it. Had Davis then offered a rational plan to bridge the structural deficit in 2003-04 and beyond, he would have something. But he didn't. The new budget is loaded with even more gimmicks and unreliable numbers and, in toto, it falls far short of being either credible or prudent.

When will Davis learn that he will be respected when he treats Californians like adults, rather than like children who can't be told the truth, and stops trying to fool everyone? He isn't very good at it and every time he fails, he drives his standing a little lower.


About the Writer ---------------------------

The Bee's Dan Walters can be reached at (916) 321-1195 or dwalters@sacbee.com.